Monday, August 15, 2011

GSoC 2011 GUI Overhaul: What's Left

Hi everyone,

The GSoC 2011 program will end shortly. Last week I was working on the account management, assign host, adding evaluation group and dashboard. There's a problem with Django test client that I couldn't figure out. The handler always treat as regular dict for every requests (in my case via POST) made from Django test client. Since in validate method there's a line that expect QueryDict instance, by calling getlist method'assign_program'), the test always fail. Maybe I missed something here, so I read the code from Django that comes along with Google App Engine SDK. It took me two days or more to trace this problem. I don't think we should remove getlist from the handler nor hacking the django test client. So, I left the test ATM and move to another to do list, that's it, the dashboard.

The dashboard will be moved to soc/views/helpers/ and the code itself is self explanatory:
class Dashboard(Template):

"""Base dashboard for admin page

def __init__(self, request, data, subpages=None):
"""Initializes the dashboard.

request: The HTTPRequest object
data: The RequestData object
subpages: Subpages of current dashboard
self.request = request = data
self.subpages = subpages

def getSubpagesLink(self):
"""Returns the link to other dashboard that appears
on top of the dashboard.
return self.subpages

def templatePath(self):
"""Returns the path to the template that should be used in render()
return 'v2/modules/gsoc/dashboard/dashboard.html'

def _divideSubPages(self, subpages):
"""Returns the subpages divided into two columns.
middle_ceil = int(math.ceil(float(len(subpages))/2))

return [

The templates is improved to be able to handle list components that we have seen from regular dashboard. I hope the patch will be posted for reviewing process lately this week and pushed before the program ends.

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