Monday, May 28, 2012

Melange Functional Testing- Base Module & Test data

Hello everyone, This week i mainly focused on creating a base module for the framework. In the base module i defined a base class funcTests which consists of many other methods which will will be used in creating test scripts for different scenarios. e.g:
  1. get_parameters(name_of_workbook)
  2. write_text_field()
  3. wait()
  4. toggle_checkbox()
  5. set_dropdown_list()
  6. wait_and_check_if_displayed()
  7. wait_and_click()
  8. wait_and_enter_text()
  9. wait_and_clear_field()
  10. assert_error()
  11. assert_link()
  12. click_on()
  13. assert_text()
  14. take_screenshot()
  15. clear_field_and_enter_new_data()
  16. setUp()
  17. tearDown()
  18. login()

I am using these methods to re write the test script for Student Registration Test . Student Registration Test has three test cases.

TC01 checks the normal path of registration.
TC02 checks for error messages when empty form is submitted.
TC03 checks for messages when wrong inputs are supplied to registration form, It assert all the messages and provide correct form data for successful registration.

Test data for the test script is here.

1 comment:

  1. I was having a chat with my friend who is a beginner in testing. He was sharing his problem with me on how to initiate testing. Although there are many books and articles on theories and concepts of testing but there is no help or information available on how to start testing and how a tester should proceed with the same. This is one excellent article you put together.

    also if you do not mind here is another article which talks about the basic steps of functional testing:

    Basic steps of Functional Testing

    Hope this will also help.

