Tuesday, August 2, 2011

GSoC 2011 Integration with External APIs: Same Origin Policy - W10

Browsers have some restrictions for cross-domain Javascript requests due to some security issues. For "List exporting" from client side, we need to make cross-domain requests to Google from user. Before this jsonp was only standart that i know as a solution. Jsonp allows loading a json from a remote web server. But i knew GData protocol supports XML format data exchange. I tried to find a solution to load a cross-domain XML source. No solution was neat enough to apply.

Script Approach
Then i thought GData should support JSON of course, and found related document :) We should just have to add a "alt=json" parameter to url GET params. Same page also was providing a method to access resources from a cross-domain with JavaScript. We should call a special script that calls our callback with related json as parameter when page is loaded. Here is an example script:

<script src="http://www.google.com/calendar/feeds/developer-calendar@google.com/public/full?alt=json-in-script&callback=listEvents"></script>

which returns a javascript response with a form in which json response is embed.

listEvents({"version":"1.0" ..... })

This provides another way for making cross-domain requests. In this solution server must support this method with a special effort to form a javascript response instead of just interpretting request as a regular json request.

Http Access Control
This approach was good but unfortunately not enough for our purpose because we need to set Authentication header with request. So i returned back to jsonp. I thought it should be possible to make a jsonp request and add a "Authentication" header with request like that:

jQuery.ajax({url: a_cross_domain_url+"&callback=?", data: data, headers: {"Authentication": auth_header}, success: a_callback)

This was almost working until i encountered with another cross-domain restriction. Sending headers with a cross-domain request was limited to another standard. I read this document about "Cross-Origin Resource Sharing". As far as i understand from document, For sending headers with request, this is defining a way for browser to first ask to server if it allows given headers, then makes actual request. This sounds good but because it's a new recommendation and some browsers may not support it (and perhaps GData server too) , i skipped this. Firefox supports this after 3.5 version.

At the end
I learned some stuff  but still was not happy as there wasn't a way sending OAuth header with request. GData documentation contains AuthSub authentication over Javascript but i couldn't find anything related OAuth with JavaScript in which we will provide OAuth header. Then, while i was hopelessly playing with OAuth playground, saw that choice in form:

Put oauth params in:  

This was just i was looking for. We were able to pass oauth params with url instead of header. This was something not documented in GData OAuth documentation. I was lucky to find this out.

At the and my approach was shaped: Make a jsonp request, put oauth params inside url.

Note: This didn't work either, to see my final solution to make Javascript requests see next post by me.

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