Sunday, July 3, 2011

GSoC 2011 GUI Overhaul: Typical PA Workflow and Admin Dashboard Usage

Hi everyone,

A week ago I asked Madhu about the typical workflow for PA (Program Admin). Madhu was so kind to explain the workflow for PA. I'll summarize the workflow and usage of admin dashboard by the PA. The followings are ordered things that should be done by PA to organize the GSoC program:
  1. Initialize the program settings such as program name, document page, or timeline of the program. These settings already provided by and views.
  2. Invite organizations to participate.
  3. Create the organization application survey. I believe this is related to what Madhu's did for survey with form builder. I can easily add the url inside the new admin dashboard to refer to the form builder.
  4. PA and her team discuss the organization selection internally.
  5. Accepted organization announced. I don't know yet if there's a view or task to accept organization.
  6. Student signup period. Students begin submitting proposals to organizations.
  7. PA can assign slot in this time or before the accepted projects announced. There's a view for slot assignment.
  8. PA can check the duplicate proposal. There's a view to trigger the duplicate proposals' task queue. This queue will iterate each proposals and filter the proposals by the same student that would be accepted by two or more organizations. The resolution was done manually by gathering a meeting.
  9. PA can check slot transfer by organization and accept/ignore the request of transfer by org admin. There's a view for this.
  10. After all organizations solve the duplication status and agree with the given slots. PA can trigger the accept_proposals' task queue. There's a view to trigger accept_proposals queue.
  11. PA creates survey for mentors and students. There's a survey builder committed by Madhu.
  12. PA freeze the program after the final term.
I don't know yet what the task needed by the PA after creating the survey. But the typical workflow should be like the list I mentioned above.

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