Monday, June 20, 2011

GSoC 2011 Melange Testing Project : CP W4

I had submitted two patches last week: one for test of app.soc.logic.dicts and the other for app.soc.logic.accounts. There were lot of mistakes and issues pointed out in the review. I have corrected soc.logic.accounts and submitted it again for review today. I also missed some functions to test in soc.logic.dicts and will do it this week.
  I wrote the test for app.soc.logic.system this week and I had a long discussion with Madhu whether to use DjangoTestCase or unittest.DjangoTestCase. Madhu suggested using the DjangoTestCase and I insisted that I could test the functions with the help of unittest.TestCase itself. I had to test the soc.logic.system.getHostname(data=None) function and for this I needed a data object which had a 'site.hostname' attribute. After some grepping and exploration, I came to the conclusion that it should be a soc.views.helper.request_data.RequestData() object and the 'site' should be a entity which Sverre told me. But then I had a problem in instantiating the Site entity and the traceback reported that a link_id property is missing. So, after struggling for some time I told Madhu the problem and he referred me to test_utils.DjangoTestCase which had a site and data attribute which he said I use in my tests. He also said that RequestData entity should be populated and seeded to efficiently test it. My point was that all the entities of RequestData object are set to either False or None and also I do not need all of its attributes in testing. I only need the and attributes and this I could accomplish without using the DjangoTestCase and directly handling the RequestData and Site objects. Finally he asked me to go ahead and write the test with unittest.TestCase.
    85% of my time is spent on reading codes and there are multiple windows that remain open almost all the time. I have to hibernate my system to avoid opening so many windows again.
   I did not do much coding this week but hope to do more this week. Me and a friend of mine are planning to participate in ACM-ICPC regionals this year. So, we spent most of the time in studying for ICPC only.

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