Friday, May 21, 2010

GSoC 2010 Data Seeder - Project design

Another week of the community bonding period has gone by as we are getting closer and closer to actually having some code written :D

So here are some of the features that have been decided upon so far:
  • The configuration for the seeding operation will be customizable by the user using a web interface which will conclude with the creation of a JSON configuration sheet. This configuration fill will be usable both locally and on-site and can later be edited using the same web interface.
  • The configuration sheet is meant to be very easily customizable and extendable. Different scenarios for different needs can be saved in predefined configuration files and then executed at any times. Examples include saved states in different phases of a GSoC program (proposal phase, midterm survey etc.).
  • There will be an option to export data to Python fixture files, either directly by the use of a script along with a JSON configuration file, or by saving the state of a running instance.

The script that I have used to generate the diagrams from my previous post has been committed to my Melange clone. You can try it out anytime, no further setup is required. Here it is:

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