Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Fifth Week Update - Surveys and Newsfeed

The beautiful chaos of open source development has many implications. It requires a level of cooperation that perhaps goes beyond that which we find in the ordinary workplace. Open source development requires collaboration, and constant communication.

At times, it's a struggle to maintain a good level of communication. This is especially true when the contributors are separated by thousands of miles, and have a wide variety of schedules. But communication in open source development is crucial. A lack of communication results in unnecessary emergencies, and can ultimately mean the difference between success and failure in an open source software development project.

Currently, I'm anxious about how to approach the challenges of these next few days, as we make the final preparations for deploying surveys. Ordinarily, I'd like to be testing, optimizing, and generally winding down development at the 11th hour before deploying a feature.

However, it's surprisingly easy to find yourself in "putting out fires" mode at these times, which can be a scary place to be, considering that last minute changes are often precursors to a variety of problems that can end up affecting the end user experience.

Part of the reason I find myself in this situation is do to my own relative inexperience, and my inability to anticipate what features and code organization would be needed and desired. Being a newcomer to Melange development, I'm often unsure of design decisions and end up implementing a feature that either don't match the functional or structural needs, and either me or someone else will have to go back and make changes after dependencies and documentation have already been created.
If I did a better job of communicating specifications for all my work, I probably would have saved a good deal of development time.

While in "putting out fires" mode, these design decisions can be even more difficult to make, since there is a great incentive to do things the quick and ugly way.

For instance, now that the Survey class has been subclassed as ProjectSurvey and GradingProjectSurvey, there needs to be a way for a user creating a survey to specify whether the survey is a Survey, a ProjectSurvey, or a GradingProjectSurvey.

The dynaform workflow does not suggest an obvious solution, and there are at least several possible implementations. Earlier tonight, I implemented one solution and then realized that my solution, while convenient from a short-term development perspective, would certainly simply lead to more changes and more "putting out fires" mode, and would result in a net-loss of time. So I decided to start over, with a different approach.

The new approach is to confirm my decisions through communication, rather than solely self-confirmation. This approach may require some humility and patience, but it's surely better than staying up all night banging my head against the proverbial wall.

Knowing that Melange developers are all intelligent and friendly to the Nth degree, I'm certain that all have it within us to strive to be more communicative and receptive to communication, and ultimately create a better product in the process.

A quick update about developments for the newsfeed feature -- the changes in the last few days have mostly been style guide changes. Since we've been sweeping through the survey code and updating style, I've used the opportunity to also get my newsfeed code up to style guide standards. I've segregated the news feed into a hibernating working branch now that there's more direct interaction between the soc hg trunk and my personal github repo. Since newsfeed requires changes in many view and logic files in addition to distinct "newsfeed.py" type modules, it's far easier for me to not even attempt to keep these changes in my survey-related work.

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