Saturday, July 30, 2011

GSoC 2011 Melange Testing Project: CP W9 & W10


I could not write a blog post for the work I did during last week because of the
the university work and some other factors. This post summarises the work I did in last two weeks.

  Last week, I fixed some tests which were failing due to the recent change done to the mentor property. The tests for soc.modules.gsoc.tasks.test_survey_conversion failed because the models were seeded(Model.put()) by explicitly defining the model properties. This method is definitely not a robust one since if we happen to add other required properties in future, the tests will fail again due to the missing properties while seeding. The solution is to use the data seeder which randomly seeds the properties not mentioned in the properties parameter. If there is no data provider for a property, we can patch the data provider to seed such properties and the tests would run fine. So, I edited the tests for gsoc.tasks.survey_conversion and made them to use data seeder to seed the models.

     I also fixed the profile_utils.createStudent() method which had been bugging me while testing gsoc.views.student_forms. My tests failed 1 out every 7-8 test runs. It was because of the failing access checks which resulted because of the number_of_projects property being seeded other than 0 for a student without a project. This problem bugged me for quite sometime and Madhu helped me to figure out that this was actually the problem. Also, I submitted some patches to remove the unused imports in some modules in gsoc.views.

   This week I tested a couple of views namely views.org_profile, views.profile_show and submitted them for review. Leo has reviewed them and I will be fixing them today. I also added createInactiveProfile() and createInactiveStudent() method to profile_utils which I needed while testing views.org_profile. I discovered a defect in DownloadForm request handler in student_forms and I filed a issue for that. The defect was that a student without a project should not be allowed to download the enrollment and tax forms and in the present case a 500 error is returned which should be 403 instead. As told by Sverre, I need to add an access check to fix this.
    Since I get very less time during the week days to work on the project, I will be working on Friday, Saturday and Sunday as I don't have classes on these days.

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