Monday, June 13, 2011

GSoC 2011 Melange Testing Project : CP W3


For quite a long time I had been working on the online test runner and could not make it work on a live instance. As I had discussed it in my last blog post about my implementation that I intended to exploit some plugins of Nose to run the tests, it failed because of the reason that Nose uses some libraries which are restricted by GAE. So Leo asked me to take my other approach of discovering all the test modules in the tests directory and then make a suite of tests using the unittest.loadTestsFromName  method. I used the os.walk() built-in function to first list all the modules with their absolute paths and then changed the paths into a dotted notation so that these paths could be easily used by unittest.loadTestsFromName to load the tests. I have used a lot of code from the gaeunit source specifically which is related to the browser interface and the test runner. The test runner had to be modified so as to fit in with melange code. I also had to include the tests directory, gaetestbed, nose, webtest and  mox libraries in the app folder so that tests can easily use them when running on a live instance.
    The online test runner runs on my local development environment but it shows errors that are due to the bugs in the runner itself. Below is the video of the melange tests running on my local machine through the browser.

I have stopped working on the runner as of now. But in the end, I discovered that I have extended some of the features of gaeunit. It has been 2 years since gaeunit was last released, so I was planning to contact the gaeunit developers if I can develop for them.

     During the last week conference call, Sverre asked me to treat the online runner as a side project and concentrate on my testing project now. So, I have started working on my project and wrote the test for app.soc.logic.accounts and submitted it for review. At the time of writing this post, I have also almost completed the test for app.soc.logic.dicts with a few methods left to test.

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