Saturday, June 26, 2010

GSoC 2010 Data Seeder - Web Interface

A very, very, veeery early form of the web interface is ready. It's very ugly in the current form, I haven't applied any styling to it yet, but at least it's functional. You can check it out here.

One problem that's pretty obvious at first is the space management. For most useful models, there are a lot of properties which take up a lot of space, but only a few of them might actually be used. My solution for this would be to compact them into collapsible/foldable panels so that properties that are not useful and properties that have already been configured don't take up space. Expect this to change in the future.

The web interface currently produces a valid JSON configuration sheet, only including model and properties configuration (without references) and also has the ability to send it to the server backend, but that's it for now. If you want to take a look at the resulting JSON, there's a dump in the JavaScript debug console.

Stay tuned for more in the future!

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