Tuesday, July 3, 2012


The week spent in struggling to find the difference between the online instance and the local instance of melange, since the same online instance was not showing shipment, projects and proposals on student dashboard, which I could see in the  local instance. I used localhost:8080/_ah/admin/interactive console to create entities as Lennard said that it was the right way but unfortunately it did not work too.

Actually, I did not realize that I was signed in as an admin in the online instance instead of as a student while accessing the student dashboard via the URL. The code in gsoc.views.dashboard only allows a student, who has project to see the shipment, proposal and project components.
We have specifics about the spreadsheet too, like it should have exactly the same columns as listed in the task/trackings.py and two worksheets with gid=0 and gid=1, otherwise, the syncing fails.

So I created a student profile to see if I can see the shipment details after syncing. I also manually set student_info.number_of_projects=1 so that the student components are rendered. The syncing now can be done successfully. You can see the demo in my instance.
The details are:
Instance: http://melange-aditi1.appspot.com/

Student username:

Public Spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AuENNrqFbxWEdFVIaVJSczZOSkVPUWc0MWFrOEo2cXc#gid=0

After this I started working on proposal syncing. I added useGDataJS function in soc.views.helper.response.py for proposal syncing which was missing in the patches supplied by Orcun. I am stuck now at “Sync with Google Documents” not being
appearing as linked. I have mailed Orcun for his help and will proceed further.

Melange Functional Tests.

Hello everyone.

This past week i worked on cleaning the scripts and making the code better. I am making an entire framework using selenium and python for the first time, so its obvious there will be mistakes and i am making a lot of mistakes but this is how i am learning. Everyday i learn something new and its not only about coding skills , but a lot more. My communications skills are improving , i am learning about processes and many other things. I have made a couple of scripts till now, they are running fine but there is lot more space to improve. Oh wait, do they really run. Everybody likes screenshots. How about a video !!!


Speed of exceution as shown in the video is different as compared to original execution. If you wish to see that please clone my branch at google code [0] and give a shot to functional tests. However execution of these tests does not mean that these test scripts are done. There is a lot of space for improvement and a lot more to be done. In the video you will see the execution of following scripts:


Most of all i am enjoying a lot  working on this project. Not only this project is adding to my coding skills but also educating me on  how effectively we can contribute to open source projects.

[0] http://code.google.com/p/soc/source/browse/?name=functional_testing

Monday, July 2, 2012

Functional Connection Module

Hey there, so this past week I've been working out the kinks I've been avoiding having to deal with and "finalizing" as much as possible for the first fully working implementation of the connection module. And also doing pretty much all the work on ShowConnection. I feel like I've got an excellent handle on the URL configuration and redirect stuff, so I'm pretty pumped about this. This round the code seems to be free of stupid mistakes (e.g. if org_mentor is False and org_org_admin is False:, which Lenard pointed out to my amusement/horror) and does everything I think it's expected to. Excited? Wonderful, me too.

I had accidentally moved the line to run the method to create the entity inside of a transaction outside of the foor loop for users in OrgConnectionPage, so after fixing that and something else (I forget what it was) I got the form to start properly creating entities again. Speaking of the form, it also now supports either a drop-down or a radio button if you uncomment the code in order to allow an org admin to choose the role to offer the user. I also made some changes to the template that the views were using in order to properly display form erros this time around, which was causing a certain degree of frustration and occasional raging. So this is fully working by my expectations, but do let me know if there's anything else that this view is supposed to do other than create a GSoCConnection model. Oh, a screenshot you ask? Well alright.

Next, we have the user side of things. I modified pretty much the same stuff as OrgConnectionPage as I recall, which was basically just entity creation and template modification for errors. Here's what it looks like:

Most of the work was dedicated ShowConnectionPage. I messed around with the URL configuration in order to get it to display properly. You can get to this page through the dashboard, though now the dashboard will display ALL GSoCConnection objects rather than just those related to the current user or org admin. One thing I need to fix is the org_admin_for member of the RequestData object in the dashboard object that handles displaying the connections, as it's only populating with one org. In the meantime this view itself works with a proper checkAccess() method and template to display all of the buttons. Though the buttons could be spaced out and organized better; this will be a refinement I intend to tackle in the second half of GSoC :). A user and an org admin are presented with buttons that allow them to take action in response to the current state of the connection, notably that a user can accept only a mentoring role if they are offered an org admin role. There are a series of methods to handle promoting the user in the event that the org admin and user change their side of the connection to equivalent values. In the spirit of a gratuitous number of screenshots, here's a picture of a mentor invitation on the org admin side:

Among other modifications include changes to the show_connection() method in the soc/views/helper request_data module in order to reflect a change in URL schema, AccessChecker's canViewConnection() method in order to determine who can view a GSoCConnection, and the soc/views/helper/notification connectionContext() method and associated template for email messages when a new connection is formed.

All of the above changes can be found on the main repo in an updated version of the connection_demo branch, so feel free to give it a look. I won't go so far as to say that for a first version it's perfect, but I think it's a great basis upon which we can make refinements and improve this mechanism. I've still got a little time to make adjustments before the midterm evaluation, so if there's anything you would like to see added or done differently than let me know and I'll get it done.