Tuesday, July 3, 2012


The week spent in struggling to find the difference between the online instance and the local instance of melange, since the same online instance was not showing shipment, projects and proposals on student dashboard, which I could see in the  local instance. I used localhost:8080/_ah/admin/interactive console to create entities as Lennard said that it was the right way but unfortunately it did not work too.

Actually, I did not realize that I was signed in as an admin in the online instance instead of as a student while accessing the student dashboard via the URL. The code in gsoc.views.dashboard only allows a student, who has project to see the shipment, proposal and project components.
We have specifics about the spreadsheet too, like it should have exactly the same columns as listed in the task/trackings.py and two worksheets with gid=0 and gid=1, otherwise, the syncing fails.

So I created a student profile to see if I can see the shipment details after syncing. I also manually set student_info.number_of_projects=1 so that the student components are rendered. The syncing now can be done successfully. You can see the demo in my instance.
The details are:
Instance: http://melange-aditi1.appspot.com/

Student username:

Public Spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AuENNrqFbxWEdFVIaVJSczZOSkVPUWc0MWFrOEo2cXc#gid=0

After this I started working on proposal syncing. I added useGDataJS function in soc.views.helper.response.py for proposal syncing which was missing in the patches supplied by Orcun. I am stuck now at “Sync with Google Documents” not being
appearing as linked. I have mailed Orcun for his help and will proceed further.

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