Earlier in the week, I implemented the workflow of Calendars feature with fuctionality such as:
- creation/edit of events by users for chosen Calendars.
- the addition of org_admins userid's to the Access Control Lists of their org's Google Calendar
- sending notifications to Calendar owners with event request message and consequent approval by org_admin was also implemented.
- uplading of approved events into the respective Google Calendar
After some discussions with my mentor, it was decided that it would be an acceptable trade-off to use the CalVis API to display Calendars. As there was no very definetive decision reached in the dev-list discussion, at the same time, there was also not a strong opposition to CalVis, my mentor and I decided to go with the CalVis. The UI of CalVis can be manipulated with CSS to a decent extent and hence, it can be designed to look better. Although it may never look as good as Google's :-(, it is a trade-off we get for having the cool Google Maps plus Youtube widget pop-up on Calvis. I am currently working on the CSS designs for the Calendars as well as the User Pages(i was supposed to have done this a while back!).
For the next week:
- prepare cool designs for the Calendars UI and User pages
- find out how and write cron jobs for keeping Melange-side and Google Calendar-side events in sync
- spend some time to refactor code to ensure it sticks to Melange styles and conventions