The week 2 of coding has gone by. And I have made progress with my code.
I have written the View and templates for the User Page with most of the functions such as "view_page", "edit_userpage", "create_userpage", "view_calendar" etc.
The prototype of the User Pages, Calendars up on my
GAE, plus I have created some forms using Melange's inbuilt forms framework for editing data in the User Pages using the View methods such as create, edit, editPost, editGet, etc.
There are some issues with the creation/saving of the forms and entity data which still need to be resolved. Aiming to resolve it before the weekend is over.
Finally, I need to incorporate the ListView for User Page entities using the list functions in Melange's View framework.
Next week:
- I should have completed User Page functionality, and should have my code reviewed by my mentor, before pushing the changes to my clone.
- I should update project wiki with a complete timeline, taking into account my current progress on the project.
- I should start working on the Calendars feature.