Tuesday, July 10, 2012


I have been working on proposal sync this week. Initially “Sync with Google Documents” was not appearing as linked on proposal submit page, according to orcun’s design an authorization window pops up clicking on this link. Then a talk with Madhu made me realize that the view being rendered by v2.modules.gsoc.proposal.base.py on proposal submit page has a dependency block which contains melange.gdata.core melange.gdata and melange.autocomplete, which have been imported from soc.content.JS.  Present melange codebase does not have melange.gdata.js file. The Java Script view on proposal submit page is actually provided by files in JS folder (imported in dependency block). I had to copy melange.gdata.js file in current shipmenttracking branch from orcun’s code and its minimized version in js.min file folder.
This folder contains minimized version of javascript files. We run closure compiler, when we publish online and at that time these minimized files are loaded instead of files in js folder to make loading faster. Since I am working on local instance I have made changes in app.yaml to load JS files from js instead of js.min.

I learnt about using ‘firebug’ and ‘chome development console’ to check JS errors in the code while the web page loads. Working with these makes it very easy to find out where the error is being generated from. Initially the melange.gdata could not load and displayed LoginFactoryFunction is not a function which resides in melange.gdata.js file.
I renamed melange.gdata.core to melange.gdata in melange.dependencies and something started working now. There appeared a blank popup which was mainly meant for authorisation to access the Google Docs.

I have proposal syncing working to some extent now, there are no errors on the client side and I have to dissect the problem on the server side. I have updated my online instance[0] and you can check the demo when submitting a proposal.

[0] http://melange-aditi1.appspot.com/

Melange Functional Testing: Adding More Tests


This week i worked on adding test cases to already existing test scripts. I also added code to subclass all the test cases from FunctionalTestCase class where FunctionalTestCase class now inherits from unittest.TestCase. Code cleaning continued this week too, added new comments in some test cases and updated comments in almost all tests cases. Added two more test cases to GSoC Student Registration Test, one test case to GSoC profile test case, one test case to both GCI dashboard and GSoC dashboard tests. Also i did changed the names of test methods so that in case a test fails it will be easy to locate which test case belonging to which tests script failed.

I also played with parallel execution of test cases. It saves a lot of time. To run tests in parallel we just have to pass the number of processes as argument i.e. $bin/run-tests  --processes=5  tests/functional/

Monday, July 9, 2012

Adjustments, Improvements, and seed_db Antics

Hey all, so this week has been rather low key as I've been awaiting feedback and suggestions from everyone, but I've gotten my branch to a point where it should theoretically be ready to be merged into the main code.

So far I've done mostly cleanup work, such as adding comments to the Connection model and fixing style issues in some of my other work. Some substantial modifications I've made include cleaning up the AccessChecker class in soc.views.helper, which got pretty cluttered between my hacked-together initial demo which basically just involved me switching out Request object stuff with the Connection object. I marked a bunch of methods in that class for future removal when my code gets merged into the main branch, stuff like _canAccessRequestEntity really won't need to be there anymore since the invite and request modules will be removed an as many methods related to them as possible without breaking anything. I also removed methods that I had written but were no longer using, which cleaned up a bunch of the accumulated clutter. The status messages needed some work so I changed how the status message presented to the user is determined when viewing a connection and it seems to be working, but I'll continue to improve upon it. While doing that I realized that there was a logical bug that allowed users promoted to org admins to view and modify their own connections, which I prevented by adding a line in the canViewConnection() method in ShowConnection's checkAccess method.

Also at Daniel's suggestion I moved the HTML template that the module was using into its proper location within the gsoc template subdirectory rather than the soc request one where it was previously located. I've begun working on the tests for the connection module but only have a skeleton for the moment and am going to dedicate time to working on that module very soon.

I emailed the list about this, but nothing I do seems to enable seed_db on my appengine instance. I've made soc.logic.system.isDebug() method return True and after that even took the if statement out of soc.views.legacy so that the seed_db url pattern will always get added in, yet when I deploy it nothing seems to work. Lennard's given me some great advice on setting this up but as to why this still isn't working I'm clueless. My next step might be to try just running the seed method on the GAE interactive console to populate some data, but I'm working to get this resolved so that you all can mess around with a running instance of my code.

For when I do manage to get this to work, here are some instructions as to how to test everything out:

  1. Create a mentor profile
  2. Log in with either the default admin profile or your new mentor profile
  3. If you're an org admin, go to My Dashboard -> My Organizations -> select an org -> Start Connection -> input either the email address or link_id of your mentor profile -> Submit. If you're a mentor, get to the "View all participating organizations" page -> select an org -> Start Connection -> Submit. 
  4. The connection should be available in Dashboard -> My Connections, though there is a bug I'm working out that has to do with the org_admin_for variable in the dashboard module in gsoc; it may be something to do with the data populated by seed_db. You can avoid this bug by doing everything through Organization 0
That's it. Let me know if anything isn't working and I'll fix it, I'm on a straight sprint right now trying to get seed_db to work/populate the datastore asap.