Tuesday, July 19, 2011

GSoC 2011 Integration with External APIs: Proposal Sync - W8

Sorry for late blog post. First evaluation results of GSoC 2011 was announced. I passed first evaluation and I'm very happy for it :) My first deliverable "proposal sync" is still in review process. But my guess is it's mainly complete and just needs code design fixes. I'm busy with fixing my patches for a few days. My patches are mostly contains JS code and I wasn't writing quality JavaScript code before but just ones that saved my days. Not suprisingly Mario pointed out lots of bad design choices in my code. I want to mention a few of i learned :

* Always use === and !== instead of == and !=, These operators also checks if operands are same type besides their values are equal.

* Do not rely on content of DOM elements. Do not use them as variables. Create global variables instead.

* Using if and else without braces if they have only one statement is tricky. This later may cause someone not to notice there are no braces, and put a statment outside of else scope, while thinking it's in the scope.

* Melange JavaScript Guide also has good tips, for readibilty and quality of source code.

From now on, i will also start to work on Melange lists. We basicly want all Melange lists to have upload option to Google Docs. Melange lists are built-on jqgrid library which allows easily create and manage interactive HTML tables. We need a generic button that will work for every list without extra configuration, so someone creating a new list will not take care about how it forms it's data and uploads itself to GDocs.

That's all about me. See you next week and cheers :)

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