Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Integration with external APIs - Getting Ready for Coding

There is about one week for official coding starts period and i'm preparing myself for it. As i stated at my timeline i won't be able to work on project or rarely work between May 25 - June 10 due to my final exams at university. Then i will be free to work day n night at summer.

I made my first commit to Melange - added a new unit tests for "accept_proposals" task - despite some trouble while commiting it. This was exciting :) Last week i started to work on my project. Created a playground instance [0], created a wiki page for tracking progress [1]. Live instance for now just have a model for storing exported documents' IDs and names. I need to create a view right now to list them and another one to add some test data through Data Seeder. These will help me to learn Melange's jqgrid lists and Data Seeder.

This weeks plan for me until next Thursday:

  • Create a view that uses Data Seeder to add sample data, or integrate it with /seed_db
  • Create a view that lists these documents through Melange lists.
  • Plan and achieve a meeting with my mentor (Mario).
  • Get ready to start coding.

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