Wednesday, May 25, 2011

GCI 2011 GCI with New Architecture: Beginning of the coding phase

The coding phase has finally begun and I started my project with the GCI Profile model.Currently, GCI has a different notification system where a user X can subscribe to the notification to a particular task by clicking a star on the task and can un-subscribe the task by clicking on the same star again, org_admin,mentor and the student claiming are automatically subscribed. In addition to this, we will now have Profile based notification settings where a user will be given an option to whether subscribe for the notifications automatically or not, for example a student at the time of profile creation can check/uncheck automatically subscribe to tasks I claim.The same can be applied for mentor and org_admin.The GCIStudentInfo model having the following additional fields specific to GCI was written next, number_of_tasks_completed , consent_form, student_id_form, grade.

The next step was to convert the roles itself.Basically for each student,mentor or org_admin entity I had to create a GCIProfile.And then I had to update all these references in the models containing them. I have used deferred library which lets us retrieve entites in batches and update their references easily.

My wiki page is at [0] and my instance is at [1]
[0] :
[1] :

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