Friday, May 28, 2010

Week 4: Code-base and Coding

The first official week of GSoC has gone by, and I have officially started coding. I have started off with the User Pages feature. I created a directory structure as my project is to appear as a module in the soc.modules folder. I started coding the data model( and View( for the User Page. However, I realized I need to get a better grip on the code-base and how things work with regards to code before I can go ahead with the actual coding for my project. Hence, over the weekend and the week after, I am going to acquaint myself with the code-base and get as best an understanding as possible and then proceed on with the actual coding of completing the View and then the templates etc.

This of course, sets me behind time with regards to my timeline :-(
However, I have decided to put in extra time and work extra hard this weekend and next week to strive and catch up with my User Page feature so that by my next post, I will have progressed to having a better, working User Page feature :-).

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