Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Update: News Feed and Survey Modules

Because surveys need to be ready for the upcoming midterms, my attention has been shifted back towards surveys, with three tasks I'm working on:

- Getting survey taking permissions working. (This is complete, but needs some more testing)

- Complete seed_db to include projects, students, and mentors (to make testing surveys much easier)

- Multiple-project support. For mentors who are overseeing more than one project, the handler needs to be updated to redirect to the correct form when a mentor selects a different project.

- Notifications. If you haven't completed your survey yet, you should be pestered until you do! This could involve a notification (or an update to the program newsfeed) but will require e-mail updates, since that's the most guaranteed way of getting someone's attention.

For the news feed module, I'm excited to be working on a demonstration PubSub support. This is fairly low-priority, but it will be nice to have built-in support for real-time applications like chat.

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